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13. International Computer Festival Maribor in Graz 15. - 26.5.2007
Medienkunst aus Slowenien in Graz

Eröffnung in der ESC
Dienstag, 15.5.2007, 19.00 Uhr

in Kooperation mit MFRU
Auswahl der Arbeiten:
Jasmina Zaloznik

das Festivalprogramm in Maribor vom 10. - 15.5.

Die KünstlerInnen

Urska Golob, Vesna Krebs, Marko Osnik, Ana Pecar & Dino Schreilechner, Trie

Die Projekte

Voda / Water (2007)

This project explores and experiments with the liquid properties of water, the fluidity and the specific aggregate of water sources. Namely, water is active, it circulates, it gives and it takes; water is both an intercellular and intergalactic messenger. The artists use vision and sound in their research, while the camera and microphone serve as their tools. The ambitious, creative and curious professional is always contaminated by the laws of cosmic order. This project aims to provide an anti-rational expansion of consciousness, because water and mind never had anything in common.

RGB luknji?arke / RGB Foraminifera (2006)
interactive video, net fiction

We live in an era in which a seemingly infinite flow of information, available via a variety of media - in particular the Internet - is accessible to everyone. But due to the fact that not all information is competent, precise or verified, we are open to the receipt of false information, and can be misled or subject to deliberate manipulation. The Foraminifera web project is a visual-fictive theory as to the life of video organisms which are similar to real organisms.

Moje ime je Ur¨ka / My Name Is Ur¨ka (2007)
morphing animation

In the virtual world everyone is young, beautiful and perfect; there is no ageing or ill-health. But real life is something completely different, and the process from conception to the end of life is varied and full of surprises. Through the project My Name Is Ur¨ka, the artist explores congenital (genetic) disorders and conditions, and introduces the subject in a subtle and sensual way that allows visual empathy.

Na son?ni strani Alp / On the Sunny Side of the Alps (2006)

This video provides a portrait of the Slovenes through a historical, religious, psychological and psychoanalytical study. Basically, the project is a soundtrack of a four-text construct intertwined in a seemingly playful radio play.

Die ESC, Kunstverein in 8010 Graz, Jakoministrasse 16, tel 0043 316 83 60 00, e-mail esc[at]mur.at, ermöglicht und initiiert künstlerische Projekte, sammelt, verarbeitet und veröffentlicht kulturelle Daten.