intro 2008
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hosted by mur.at

CPU ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen
steirischer herbst, mur.at
und ESC im LABOR
Agnese Trocchi |
Lorenzo Cassulo |
Nanna Lueth |
Hannah Fitsch |
Wolfgang Temmel |
Karin Hofstätter |
Christian Stalzer |
Frank Barknecht |
Andrew Garton |
Ju Gosling |
Donna Metzlar |
Tatiana de la O |
Anne Roth & Andrej Holm |
Seda Gürses |
Eran Sachs |
Neset Özevin |
Anna Loosen |
Ernesto Rico-Schmid | Zoe Gudovic
CPU Programm
in deutscher Sprache
Dear friends,
On September 24th, the first Queer Sarajevo Festival was opened. The
opening started with a magnificent exhibition at the Academy of Arts.
The turnout was great, it was so genuine and touching at the same time.
There were more than 300 people at the opening, and their sexual
orientation was of no relevance, as well as their religion or their
sex and gender. The most important thing was that they were there to
support a great event, a fabulous festival, wonderful people. Art,
joy, life, freedom?
However, the reality was not very bright. In front of the Academy,
just before the very opening, a group of aggressive religious
extremists started gathering. There were about 150 of them, holding
stones, some of them with knives, even guns.
Seven activists and visitors of the festival , as well as one
policeman have been injured. These people have been brutally attacked
and have suffered severe injuries.
These groups of extremists were following people to their cars,
pulling them out, kicking and hitting them. They also pulled one of
the taxi drivers out of his car, told him to back off and started
kicking the people in the car.
They hit a young man so hard that they broke his nose and continued
kicking him with a gun, after which the man lost consciousness.
Few more people were attacked and suffered head injures. One man
suffered internal bleeding.
The police has registered the festival as an event with a high level
of risk, but unfortunately have not treated it as such. The police
have allowed 100 to 150 football hooligans and religious
fundamentalists to push their way through to the very entrance of the
Then, the private security guards had to deal with the situation and
the extremists.
The police didn't even care to disperse the crowd and the gathering
which had not been previously announced. This is a great failure of
the police.
Again there was not only a failure to grasp who the endangered party
was, but the violence was also allowed and supported.
The great responsibility of the police and the institutions that have
not reacted timely and properly, allowing football hooligans and
religious fundamentalists to gather will not be undermined. They
claimed that they couldn't have stopped them due to the freedom of
*If this is the case, then why don't queer people have the right to
freedom of movement?*
After QueerBeograd festival, where I have experienced the same example
of intimidation and violence, where people have been brutally beaten
up, here I am in Sarajevo at the first proud Queer festival and I am
reliving the same story, where it is being said that a person who is
beating me up has the right to walk freely and kill me. And I am being
pushed into a room and victimized just for being a lesbian, a queer
feminist and a proud activist.
Well, there will be no stopping, we will keep on living, rejoicing and
Greetings from Sarajevo, Zoe Gudovic
Zoe Gudovic is performance artist and organizer, based in Belgrade; in
the frame of the ESC-project [prologue] she has visited Graz several