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hosted by mur.at

ESC Programmplan 2008
Ausstellungsprojekte, Installationen, Performances
Dienstag, 13.5., 19.00 Uhr
Marijana Cvetkovic- Belgrade
Lecture (in english)
organisiert vom CCN - Cultural City Network
NOMAD Dance Academy - Cultural Cooperation Model in South East Europe
NOMAD Dance Academy is a grass-root initiative of 6 contemporary dance
organizations from 6 Balkan countries and a proactive and innovative
platform for exchange and cooperation in performing arts.
NOMAD originates in recognition of some shared problems existing in
all these countries, from Macedonia to Slovenia: lack of higher
education programs, lack of cultual policy in the field, lack of
development funds for contemporary dance, low visibility of
contemporary dance within local cultures, need for professionalisation
of contemporary dance field.
Emphasizing and developing a model for cooperation, education,
mobility and intercultural dialogue in contemporary dance, NOMAD Dance
Academy has become an inspiring model of artists? self-organization
and example of innovative cultral and educational policy experiment.
It is applicable in various cultural fields and opens new roads for
cooperation and exchange in Europe.
next: GIZA E RUH
Eröffnung: Freitag. 16.5.2008, 19.00 Uhr
Einführung: Heimo Ranzenbacher: Freitag. 16.5.2008, 19.30 Uhr
unsere allgemeinen Öffnungszeiten sind: Dienstag -
Samstag, 14.00 - 19.00
und nach Vereinbarung