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Installationen, Performances, Worklabs, Symposion
Worklab *NoTours*
Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012, 14.00 - open end
in English
*NoTours* proposes an augmented aurality experience. In other words, you can add a new layer of reality to your place. You can leave messages, tell stories, create geolocated concerts or just share your thoughts.
NoTours permits a listener to enter and investigate a musical composition as though it were a physical structure.
By attaching instruments, voices, sampled sounds and generated effects in layers upon a landscape, a unique means of listening to music can be designed.
A combination of sounds - composed and distributed virtually around a place - with GPS data about the listener�s location and movement recreate the music in a unique way for each listener.
noTours can be been used in diverse ways to augment and shift the way we hear the sounds of a place. You can leave messages, tell stories about the surroundings or build a musical composition invisibly into a landscape.
*NoTours* is a project by
For this special workshop, noTours has been adapted in a way that you can attach sounds to the real time location of any satellite (real or virtual) so when it passes over your head audience will be able to listen to your audios... for any place on the surface of the Earth!
Come and see how this hack works, experiment with satellites and sounds, and leave your messages attached to a satellite!
Die ESC, Kunstverein in 8010 Graz, Jakoministrasse 16, tel 0043 316 83 60 00, esc[at]mur.at, http://esc.mur.at/
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