Time Inventors' Kabinet The project TIK (Time Inventors' Kabinet) will take place over 2 years, as a collaborative action by 3 core partners (OKNO in Brussels, COL-ME in Bratislava and ESC in Graz) and numerous other contributors. It is supported by the EACEA Culture Programme 2007-2013.

All together Program for TIK


We will organize a distributed research and creation lab, with ongoing workshop points in each partner region, taking an ecological approach (in the etymological sense of the term: a study approach taking into account relations of organisms to one another and to their physical environment and overall context) to observing patterns in time and time control systems.

ESC - Program for TIK
Open Greens
CUMB - Connected Unpredictable Microcontroller Band
Take Your Time

Involved People
artist and gardener Clara Oppel; artist and organizer Fränk Zimmer; Programmer Christian Pointner; artist and gardener Nicole Pruckermayr, artist and programmer IOhannes m zmölnig, programmer and artist Jogi Hofmüller; Community Garden Movement Graz (contact person: Christina Jahn), gardening specialist Reinfrid Horn, physicist and organizer DI Katja Lamprecht; sociologist Elli Scambor; artist and programmer Norbert Math; translator and gardener Maureen Levis; historian, radio maker and gardender Leo Kühberger; gardener and organizer Anita Haxhija, artist, radio maker, organizer and gardener Reni Hofmüller

This project is supported by the cultural departments of the City of Graz, the Styrian Government and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture

culture program

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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