Donna Metzlar Available for Conversation Eröffnung: Samstag, 21. September 2013 um 11:00 Uhr zu sehen bis 13. Dezember 2013 In I share, therefore I am. Koproduktion steirischer herbst - esc Donna Metzlar Available for Conversation Donna Metzlar ist eine der Kernpersonen der Genderchangers in Amsterdam, und seit 2005 massgeblich am Eclectic Tech Carnival beteiligt. Vom 21. - 29. September wird sie täglich 2 Bürostunden lang von 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr zum Gespräch zur Verfügung stehen. In English. "If we share a pot of tea we may follow George Orwell's instructions from the essay "A Nice Cup of Tea", first published in the Evening Standard". At the “I share, therefore I am” conference Donna Metzlar will be available for a good discussion. Her consultation hours will be 16:00-18:00 and everyone is welcome to exchange views with her. If we share a pot of tea we may follow George Orwell's instructions from the essay "A Nice Cup of Tea", first published in the Evening Standard (UK) newspaper of 12 January 1946. http://www.booksatoz.com/witsend/tea/orwell.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3103 In addition, we will take evening walks around the city keeping our ears open for the sounds of bats. We can't hear bats with our own ears but we will make use of the services of an ultrasound detector, for example the Pettersson D100. Donna Metzlar is one of the key people in the Genderchangers group originating in Amsterdam. She is a co-founder and lead organiser of the Eclectic Tech Carnival which has been held 12 times since 2002. In 2000 she switched from nursing to the ICT sector, mainly because of her fascination with the blooming Free Software and hacking movement and has worked as a Linux system administrator for non-profits among other things. She grew up in South Africa during the height of the Apartheid era. This had a profound influence on her personality - it resulted in her always taking a keen interest in the world around her. And as such she listens, observes and engages. http://genderchangers.org http://peerpool.org Öffnungszeiten steirischer herbst 22.9. - 3.11.2013 Dienstag - Sonntag 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr allgemeine Öffnungszeiten Dienstag - Freitag 14.00 - 19.00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung |
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