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Time Inventors' Kabinet TIK FLOWING ONE von Els van Riel, als Künstlerin Teil des Teams von OKNO aus Brüssel. Sie installiert die erste Version ihres Projekts FLOWING ONE. |
von Els van Riel, als Künstlerin Teil des Teams von OKNO
aus Brüssel. Sie installiert die erste Version ihres
Projekts FLOWING ONE. 'Starting from the collected wind and other open green data, and using them as any other source of energy, as I will also need electricity, I'm thinking about setting up a short but infinite image-loop projected by a 16mm film-projector, or maybe two. A looped film-image is moving without following the pre-directed time-arrow. It is moving but not towards anything, it could be as ephemere as it is infinite. Also the screen will be moving but not going anywhere. As a curtain in front of an open window wind moves the screen and makes the image go in and out of focus. A wind fan makes the screen move, the collected wind and open green data make the fan move.' The project TIK (Time Inventors' Kabinet) will take place over 2 years, as a collaborative action by 3 core partners (OKNO in Brussels, COL-ME in Bratislava and ESC in Graz) and numerous other contributors. It is supported by the EACEA Culture Programme 2007-2013. |
Support: This project is supported by the cultural departments of the City of Graz, the Styrian Government and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture ![]() This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. |
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